Monday, August 6, 2012

Ravellenics Days 7-10

The big event of this period was my little's wedding. This has been the summer of love, the most weddings we have ever attended. It started with mine, then some mutual friends from college, then both of my roommates from college are getting married on the same day, and then the DSLO's cousin in September.

Since I am standing for my little's wedding, I have a lot of the related sorts of things to attend, like the bachelorette party, rehearsal, and the main event. Everything went great. It was a wonderful party, much food, involved a Korean grandma who couldn't speak a lick of English admiring my socks, and other silly things.

I brought my socks.

I did not however get a ton of knitting done. I did a lot of driving, so that cut into the knitting time.

The fractal challenge this week was to make a flame with a green background, and used curl, disc, and log, using 4-6 transforms. It took a bit to find something worth rendering.

From a color theory perspective, a red-orange was needed to contrast with the green, or yellows and blues. Honestly I could find a gradient that worked, so I went with good old black and white. I name this one after Elphaba, the main character of Wicked. Sure, there is a broadway show with the same title and premise. The book is fantastic, the show, loosely based on the book, is a little too sugar coated to do it justice.

I started rendering another one, before I realized that I had screwed up with the settings. Normally I set the Gamma and Brightness to 4 and 4, but I had it set to 1 and 1, which made everything look very faint on the screen. I normally change everything around after the render is over. 

And I tried it on red too.

In other big news, I got sick of having long hair again.

I had a ponytail that was more than 8 inches long, so I went and got it all hacked off. I am mailing it to Pantene, since their requirements are easier for me to meet than locks of love.

The DSLO hates it when I cut my hair. I love huge changes, which drives him, and my hairstylist nuts. She does a good job, and all I told her was I wanted to donate my hair, and she decided on the rest. I think she is a little exasperated that I only come once a year to get it cut.

That's all the news fit to dish. Hopefully I will have better Ravellenic progress this week. Take care guys,

Molly : )


  1. I've thought about doing that, and then chicken out. Not because I'm afraid of having short hair (again), but because of the time short hair takes in the mornings to make it look decent (at least mine). I'm lazy, so long hair works best for me! :)

    1. My hairstylist tries to find cuts that are easy to care for, though it looks like I won't be able to sleep with my hair wet for a long time, for fear of the worst bedhead known to mankind.

      The hard part for me is waiting until it is long enough to donate.

      Molly : )
